This is the first build in my Animas series. There will only be 50-100 of these built before I retire it forever. Each one will be unique in some way. My name and the series number is stamped on the inside of the back spacer.
Opened Length 7 1/2" Closed Length 4 3/8" Edge Length 3 1/8"
Stainless steel Damascus blade (AEB-L / 302) heat treated to 60 RHC in my digitally controlled kiln. Double tempered with subzero treatment.
Anodized Titanium pivot screws and liners. Liners are jeweled.
Vine and thorn file work on the steel back spacer. Damascus steel pocket clip.
Stabilized redwood burl (on yellow G10 liners for added strength) full scales.
This series is named after the Animas river. Flowing from southwest Colorado to northwest New Mexico, it is a beautiful and challenging river to fish for trout.